About Me

Hi, I'm Kate!

I'm a late twenty-something gal, DC born and MN bred. I grew up an only child very close to my parents and extended family, and without siblings had a circle of close friends, many of whom are still my close friends today! I work as an Account Manager for an IT Consulting firm and LOVE my job! No one really grows up aspiring to be in the staffing business, but once you're in it's a great industry to be a part of and I've truly found my niche in Sales.

One of my biggest passions has always been singing (and music/theater in general) and I love using my voice in any way possible - if I could make a living as a Christian or country singer, I would.

I really enjoy entertaining and hosting friends in our home and also into home decorating and renovating - love me some HGTV.  Another passion of mine is cooking new and healthy foods, and I'm also a runner a budding fitness and nutrition enthusiast. I've always had ups and downs with my weight - in 2009 I lost 50 pounds, put some back on, and am working to lose it again. I try to maintain a Clean Eating lifestyle, but still enjoy the occasional treat. And glass of wine. Or two. ;) I ran my first half marathon 9/11/10 and have completed a handful or races since then - I try to do three per year.

My story has it's up and downs, but it all changed when I met Tyge. He truly was the one God has made for me and he is where my story takes it's best turn - see that page for the details!

Though I'd like to credit Tyge as the reason for my change, I know the only reason I am where I am today is because of Jesus Christ. I grew up in a Christian household and considered myself a Christian, but it wasn't until November 2007 that I decided to really take the leap into a personal relationship with Jesus, thanks to the gentle nudge of my then boyfriend, Tyge. My identity these days is no longer as a singer, Saleswoman, wife, cook, runner, or friend (though those are all a PART of who I am!)  but as a child of God. My identity is firmly rooted is Christ and I am what He says about me - no longer what others say about me or what I may think about myself. I am not defined my my failures or even my successes, by what I do or don't do, but rather I am defined by the fact that God says I am a new creation in Him. My Christian walk is a part of my daily life and being a Christian doesn't make my life any easier, it doesn't make things perfect, but it makes my life so much more meaningful. Life with Jesus is worth it and I can't imagine it any other way.

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Thanks for stopping by to read about the desires of my heart - hopefully I've left you encouraged and uplifted or at least given you something to smile about. If you would like to contact me, I'd love to hear from you! Please reach out to me at kmblomberg@hotmail.com.

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