Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Massive amounts of bleeding this morning. I knew.

Got a call from Joanie at Generations confirming my HCG levels were an 11 - I was miscarrying. I already knew.

She said to expect labor-like cramping and excessive bleeding the next few days, and that I would "pass" the fetus naturally. Petrie.

I'm at work trying not to cry every two minutes and it's not working so well, so I plan to leave after lunch. With the UHG Golf Tourney on Thursday, this is the busiest week of my career, so horrible timing. Many are the plans of man...

I'll call my parents today, Tyge will call his. He's emailing a few close friends with our "backwards announcement".

I know I'll get through this. I know I'll heal both physically and emotionally. I trust that God has a plan for our future family, I really do.

But right now, this just sucks.

1 comment:

  1. *hugs* to you. I know this moment, and I am sad you had to experience it too.
